- Function
- Composer
- Biography
Joaquim José da Costa (? - ?) was a pianist and composer. He was a graduate of the Seminário Patriarcal and acted as a mentor (decurião) in the piano class of Francisco Xavier Migone (1811-1861) at the music conservatory (Conservatório de Música) established in 1835 (Vieira 1900, i, 147). Manuscripts of his music and a published piano arrangement of a march by Valentim Ziegler to commemorate the death of D. Pedro IV (all in P-Ln) refer to him as ‘J.J. da Costa’. J.J. da Costa and Joaquim José da Costa were probably one and the same (Valentim 2008, pp. 80-81).
Maria José Quaresma de Carvalho Alves Borges Valentim, ‘A produção musical de índole política no período liberal: 1820-1851’, Masters dissertation (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2008).
Ernesto Vieira, Diccionario biographico de musicos portuguezes: historia e bibliographia da musica em Portugal, 2 vols. (Lisbon: Typographia Mattos Moreira & Pinheiro, 1900).
- Source(s)
- Handwriting identifiers
- C-Clef
- Other
- F-Clef
- Type 2
- G-Clef
- Type 1
- Images